The Squirrels are saying goodbye to paper leaflets and here’s why you should too.

To improve the environmental credentials of Your Signature Range, we will no longer be printing leaflets. We will continue to design and update your leaflets as digital PDF’s, and we will supply you with QR coded branded displays so your clients can easily access product information on their smart phones. As well as boosting web traffic, this means your clients will also have easy access to further information about the products and services you offer.
If you still want paper leaflets, we will no longer be printing them, but we can send you the artwork so you can have them printed locally which in turn will have less of an environmental impact.
Technology has moved on. Your patients all have a smart phone and it's more convenient for them to access information digitally. However, the main driver for this change is that we are keen to improve the environmental credentials of Your Signature Range and our associated services. To put it simply, paper is not great for the environment.
The environmental effects of paper production include deforestation, the use of enormous amounts of energy and water, as well as air pollution and waste problems. Paper accounts for around 26% of total waste at landfills.
Global annual production of paper and cardboard is 420 million tons per annum. This is the equivalent of two pieces of paper for everyone on Earth every single hour. We’re a long way from being a paperless society and demand for paper is expected to grow.
It takes 10 litres of water to produce a single A4-sheet of paper. The pulp and paper industry is the single largest industrial consumer of water in Western countries.
380 gallons of oil is used to produce 1 ton of paper.
The paper industry is the 5th largest user of energy globally.
Even recycled paper uses 74% of the energy as virgin paper.
Paper production globally produces 100 million KG of toxic pollution annually. This is equivalent to 25% of the UK’s total CO2 emissions.
Paper bags require four times more water than the manufacture of plastic and produce 3.1 times more greenhouse gases.
Glues used in binding can often be petrochemical or gelatine based. The latter, especially used in hardback binding, is problematic if the requirement is ever for a book to be ‘vegan’ because gelatine is an animal product
The tree must be shipped to the paper factory, the paper must be shipped to the printers and the leaflets must be shipped to you. It soon all adds up to a CO2 headache!
Fossil-oil based ink is always from a non-renewable source. The manufacturing process produces more pollution and releases climate warming compounds. Fossil-based ink also requires more energy to process surplus after use and has more risk of causing pollution in its disposal. It makes paper harder to recycle as it takes more energy and resource to recycle.
Vegetable oil-based inks are available, but they are not without their issues. They can potentially contain heavy metals, solvents, and other toxic elements so it is important to ask the printer an open question to explain the type of ink they use and the environmental and printing attributes of their inks.

5 Squirrels are doing everything we can to minimise the environmental impact of our products and services. Eliminating the printing of non-essential items is one way to do this, and here’s how you can help:
We will send you the leaflets as PDFs.
Upload the PDFs onto your website and then send us the link to where they are located.
We will send you a branded display stand with a QR code to sit alongside the products in your clinic.
Your clients can use the QR code to read up on your products on their smart phones. If you have an e-shop they can also shop in the clinic too. It’s a great chance to upsell because they will be exposed to more products online.
You can also email the link to the PDF to clients to reduce your environmental footprint even more as opposed to posting out leaflets.

Additional benefits of hosting the leaflets online
Capture client information: see what clients are interested in and incentivise them.
Consult with clients via web chat.
Show that you are a responsible and forward-looking company. Remember, your patients will always be carrying their smart phone but they won’t always want to carry a leaflet.
Updates are instant
If you want to extend your range, updates are instant and new products can be added in real time.
You no longer have to wait for the printer to update the leaflet.
Prices can be changed immediately.
Offers can be added any time.
It's guilt-free and cash-free!
No more printing costs.
No more shipping costs.
No more waste on updates.
No more leaflets going straight in the bin.
You can order your digital leaflet in the 'Support Section' of
We're working with the National Trust
For everyone who joins us and orders their digital leaflet and QR Code Point of Sale we will plant a tree sapling in the UK with The National Trust.
